Frank Bradley
Not to be confused with Frank Bradley LRIBA of Mottram
- Birth date July-Sept 1903
- Marriage 16 September 1930 to Nellie Griffiths at St Barnabas, Bolton
- Death Date 17 February 1964 at Newlands Nursing Home, Heaton, Bolton
- Funeral Overdale Crematorium, Bolton
Frank Bradley was born at Bolton in 1903, the son of Walter Bradley, bleacher, and his wife, Elizabeth. In 1911 the family were living at Deane, south-west of Bolton. Nothing is yet known of his education, training and early career. He appears to have commenced independent practice only after the Second World War, his first known works dating from 1947. Although the Guardian obituary notes his work on hospital extensions, most of his commissions were for local authority housing for the urban districts surrounding Manchester, including Eccles, Altrincham, Droylsden, Hazel Grove, Mossley, etc. Commercial clients included Warburton’s Bakery, the Rochdale Observer, and Walpamur Company Limited paint manufacturers at Darwen.
In 1930 he married Nellie, the daughter of William Griffiths, agent. Their only child, John Francis Bradley was born in 1931. He also trained as an architect and joined his father in partnership about 1963 under the style Frank Bradley and Son.
Frank Bradley died on 17 February 1960, a brief obituary appearing in the Guardian: ARCHITECT DIES - Mr Frank Bradley. aged 60, of The Chase, Woodside, Duxbury Park, Chorley, a Bolton architect, known for his work on hospital extensions. died in a nursing home yesterday. [Guardian 18 February 1961 page 16]
ARIBA November 1929 proposed by J Foy, HS Fairhurst, and E Pomeroy
FRIBA About 1956 - Check details
1949 F Bradley ARIBA, 4 Wood Street, Bolton
1962 F Bradley FRIBA, 4 Wood Street, Bolton
1929 Croft House Chorley Street Bolton
1933 Frank Bradley 6 Stratford Avenue, Smithills, Bolton
1936 Frank Bradley 6 Stratford Avenue, Smithills, Bolton
1964 Frank Bradley, The Chase Woodside Duxbury Park Chorley